Our main objective of our work model is to give our clients the highest quality service, such as timely and adequate advisory in regards to the particular requirements of insurance intermediation. We are conscious that our strength and growth is based on the group of employees we have, due to this we always procure their development and wellbeing in order to achieve mutual growth that allows a prosperous work environment in which the respect and attachment to the highest moral and spiritual values are the generators of the strength that MARSH ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. and our clients require.
ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. (Legal Certificate No. 3-101-067953), was established on November 21, 1984. And since that date, it has provided advice and service in the field of Risk Management and Insurance in Costa Rica and its fundamental objective is to fully satisfy the comprehensive needs of companies in terms of insurance advice and management, offering a modern concept of unified customer service.
In Costa Rica, the Insurance Market was regulated through a State Insurance Monopoly, which was established in 1924 and ended in August 2008, with the entry into force of the Insurance Market Regulatory Law No. 8653, at which time which starts the opening and competition in the national insurance market.
ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. is a company that has cemented its functional and operational structure, through a complete and progressive EVOLUTION process, which has allowed it to go through the different stages of the insurance market in Costa Rica (Captive Insurance Agents, Marketing Agency, Insurance Agency Insurance and now Insurance Broker).
As of June 1, 2011, ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. obtained the Insurance Broker license No. SC – 11-108 from the General Insurance Superintendency (www.sugese.fi.cr) and is duly authorized to carry out intermediation and advisory work with all insurance companies approved under the new legislation in Costa Rica.
On July 6, 2023, Marsh McLennan signed the acquisition of ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. This strategic union strengthens our global presence and enhances our ability to provide innovative solutions to our clients. This milestone marks a significant step in our ongoing pursuit of excellence.
Implicates our compromise to comply in an objective and precise way with all the requirements of our clients, coworkers, insurance companies and legislation.
The development of our comercial relationship has strict adherence to the ethical standards demanded by our activity, without engaging into questionable attitudes that question our work.
At all times we seek the respect to the beliefs and convictions of all the people that are related to our work. As long as we cultivate respect for our fellow human beings, we will be guaranteeing respect for ourselves.
MARSH ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. has the services of highly qualified personnel, whose organization is divided in work areas. Currently our group of collaborators is composed of more than 60 people, who have studies in different areas and professional degrees that allow us to provide the service expected by our clients.
Also, in ASPROSE CORREDORA DE SEGUROS S.A. we constantly review and renew our processes whereby we are proud of complying with the requirements and norms using the tools such as quality circles and concepts applied in total quality for the services offered.
With offices in more than 130 countries, Marsh is the world’s leading insurance agent and risk advisor. We provide industry-focused brokerage, consulting and claims defense services, leveraging data, technology and analytics to help reduce our clients’ total cost of risk.
With around 45,000 people worldwide, we provide our clients, both commercial and individual, with knowledge, advice and support in the local markets in which they operate or where their business may be at risk. We help you understand coverage nuances, regulatory developments and risk trends. And we work with you on placement, to mitigate risks and optimize your risk spend.
Roberto Ortiz Volio
Marvin Umaña Blanco
Luis Fernando Castro Echeverri
Academic formation:
MBA with Emphasis in Marketing
Juan Diego Castro Jiménez
Operations Manager
Marvin Umaña Vega
Roberto Ortiz Soto
Benefits Manager
Rocío Montes Monge
IT Manager
Marlon Zamora Quirós
Account Manager
Adriana Hernández Tenorio
(Español) Dir. Administrativa Financiera
(Español) Patricia Chacón Sanabria
18 Years of Experience in the Insurance Area
Insurance broker
Formación Académica: